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We are so blessed to have such wonderful customers as part of our family, and I want you to know we deeply appreciate each one of you. It is very exciting to present the new designs added to our 2023 line.

This very well may be the largest introduction of new designs that we have ever done. Just in our Glazed and Volcanic Glazed lines we have added 154 new mixed pallet collections! We have several totally new categories with new pallet collections (to be discussed below). With all the new additions we have created and are introducing in our new 2024-2025 catalog, we are adding a whopping 70% new offerings to our product line!

2025 Pottery Showcase

Join us this July to experience firsthand the true epitome of style. From timeless best-sellers to new introductions of freshly crafted pieces, there is something for everyone at the 2025 Michael Carr Designs Pottery Showcase.

We’re thrilled to have you immerse yourself in the largest selection of pottery in the industry and take time to shop our exceptional collections in-person.